Krishna Aur Kans Cast & Crew
Welcome to the complete cast and crew page for Krishna Aur Kans (2012) on Here you will find the full list of cast and crew who have worked on Krishna Aur Kans (2012). You can also view the crew by department using the drop-down menu. If you are aware of any name that ought to be here but is not, please get in touch with using the Feedback link at the bottom of this page.
Manoj Bajpayee
Nand (Voice)
Harish Bhimani
Booming Voice (Voice)
Neetu Chaudhary
Subala (Voice)
Juhi Chawla
Yashoda (Voice)
Kenneth Desai
Vrishbhan (Voice)
Meghna Erande
Baby Krishna (Voice)
Meena Goculdas
Gwalan (Voice)
A.K. Hangal
Ugrasen (Voice)
Ninad Kamat
Narad (voice)
Jameel Khan
Mahout (Voice)
Mukesh Khanna
Akroor (Voice)
Anupam Kher
Gargacharya (Voice)
Vinod Kulkarni
Trinavert (Voice)
Rahul Mulani
Kaliya (Voice)
Soniya Nair
Balram (Voice)
Anushree Nath
Vishakha (Voice)
Rajshrie Nath
Radha (Voice)
Sudhir Panday
Chanur (Voice)
Sachin Pilgaonkar
Vasudev (Voice)
Supriya Pilgaonkar
Devaki (Voice)
Om Puri
Kans (Voice)
Ayesha Raza Mishra
Prabhavati (Voice)
Prachi Save Saathi
Krishna (Voice)
Uday Sabnis
Mushtik (Voice)
Namrata Sawhney
Durga (Voice)
Malak Shah
Vikram Veturi
Sk Ashish
Executive Producer
Tejonidhi Bhandare
Associate Producer
Shamboo Falke
Associate Producer
Sada Bhuvad
Line Producer
Amit Rathod
Line Producer
Vikas Verma
Line Producer
Rajesh Dattu Bhosale
Line Producer
Anand Pandey
Line Producer
Paramanandam Thulasiraman
Line Producer
Ravi Mahapatro
Line Producer
Editing and Post-production
Varaprasad J.V.
Dhairya Roy
International Distribution