Kagajer Nauka Cast & Crew
Welcome to the complete cast and crew page for Kagajer Nauka (1991) on Cinestaan.com. Here you will find the full list of cast and crew who have worked on Kagajer Nauka (1991). You can also view the crew by department using the drop-down menu. If you are aware of any name that ought to be here but is not, please get in touch with Cinestaan.com using the Feedback link at the bottom of this page.
Utpal Sarkar
Anil Chatterjee
Dilip Roy
Piyali Chattopadhyay
Amiya Dutta
Arati Ghosh
Ashok Das
Ashok Nag
Bimal Deb
Chayan Sarkar
Chinmay Sarkar
Debajyoti Banerjee
Debu Bandyopadhyay
Gautam Basak
Gautam Bhanja
Itu Bose
Jaya Chakraborty
Jayasree Sen
Kalyani Adhikari
Kanu Chakraborty
Manab Chanda
Manoj Mitra
Ratna Barman
Sagar Mondal
Samaresh Raha
Sayani Mitra
Shailen Samanta
Shankar Chakraborty
Shyamal Biswas
Sujit Gupta
Sumana Sarkar
Swapan Chatterjee
Tapan Bagchi
Tapan Raha