Kiriti Roy Cast & Crew
Welcome to the complete cast and crew page for Kiriti Roy (2016) on Here you will find the full list of cast and crew who have worked on Kiriti Roy (2016). You can also view the crew by department using the drop-down menu. If you are aware of any name that ought to be here but is not, please get in touch with using the Feedback link at the bottom of this page.
Sujan Mukherjee
Chiranjeet Chakraborty
Swastika Mukherjee
Anindya Pulak Banerjee
Ankita Chakraborty
Arindol Bagchi
Debranjan Nag
Joy Badlani
Kanchana Moitra
Kaushik Ganguly
Krishna Kishore
Lew Hilt
Locket Chatterjee
Pradip Mukherjee
Saayoni Ghosh
Aniket Chattopadhyay
Production Design and Art
Ashis Adhikary
Art Director