The Punjabi-language feature Kokka, starring Neeru Bajwa and Gurnam Bhullar, is set to be released in theatres on 20 May. Directed by Santosh Subhash Thite and Bhanu Thakur, the film has been written by Rupinder Inderjit.
Neeru Bajwa Entertainment and Topnotch Studios UK have presented the trailer of the film, whose music is by Raj Ranjodh, V Rakx Music, Sandeep Saxena and Sync. Bajwa shared the news on Instagram, asking who connects with the character. She also stated that the trailer has received 1 million views in just 10 hours and thanked her fans for this.
Bajwa plays Ajooni, a 40-year-old woman who is single and in search of a suitable partner. The trailer begins with Ajooni looking for a suitor. The first one asks her if she will be able to cook meat while the second one, who is bald, assures her that he will get a hair transplant done. The third informs her that his children will not address her as their mother! Clearly an indication of what is in store for an older single woman, she is frustrated with the choices before her. Her friend tells her to lower her expectations because of her age.
Meanwhile, she meets Gurnam Bhullar, who teases her about her age every chance he gets. However, the two of them fall in love and Ajooni is hopeful about her future. But there is trouble in paradise, and it remains to be seen how the wrinkle in their relationship gets ironed out.
A film with an unusual theme, the romantic comedy will be the third release in 2022 of singer-actor Bhullar, who was seen in Main Vyah Nahi Karona Tere Naal (2022) opposite Sonam Bajwa and in the recent release Lekh (2022) alongside Tania.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.