After helming Zombivli (2022), Marathi's cinema first zombie-comedy film, Aditya Sarpotdar is now back with yet another film on a unique subject, Unaad.
The coming-of-age drama — which is based on the journey of today's youth of the Koli community — has been selected for the 62nd edition of the Czech Republic's prestigious Zlín International Film Festival, where it will be screened in the International Competition of Feature Films in the Youth Category.
The filmmaker took to Instagram to share the good news with his fans.
The drama stars Ashutosh Gaikwad, Hemal Ingle, Abhishek Bharate, Chinmay Jadhav, Devika Daftardar and Sandesh Jadhav and tells a story about three teenagers Shubya, Bandya and Jameel from Harne, a small coastal fishing town in Maharashtra, who spend their time roaming around town aimlessly. The film has been written by Saurabh Bhave and Kalyani Pandit.
Expressing his delight at the film’s selection, Sarpotdar said, “It’s an honour for Unaad to be selected in the important and relevant Youth Category. We have attempted a realistic take on the current youth of the Koli community and the film showcases the journey of three youngsters and their struggles. Its selection at Zlín validates the journey the entire team embarked on. We are keenly awaiting audience reactions, especially from such an esteemed festival dedicated to young audiences.”
Unaad is being presented by Jio Studios and has been produced by Jyoti Deshpande, Ajit Arora, Chandresh Bhanushali and Pritesh Thakkar.