Saumya Sengupta’s upcoming film Mrityupathojatri sees Rahul Banerjee as a convict who is about to receive the death sentence. A solo-performance film, Mrityupathojatri depicts the psychological turmoil of a criminal, who has already served time but must pay for his crimes with his life.
As the storyline suggests, the entire film has been shot inside a prison cell. The trailer doesn’t have a background score. With merely the sound of a clock striking away, it depicts the different moods of the convict, as he passes each moment, waiting for his final moment to arrive.
Sometimes he stares blankly and then suddenly he erupts in angry outbursts. The trailer then hints at life outside the prison, with the sound of a cat and a passing train.
As the minutes pass, the protagonist gradually repents with the hope of being given another chance. He acknowledges that his crime is inexcusable. He desperately seeks clemency only to be notified of the time when he is going to be hanged the next morning.
Mrityupathojatri is slated to be released in theatres on 10 June.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.