Directed by Cibi Chakaravarthi, Don follows the life of Sivakarthikeyan’s character who wants to figure out his talent and settle down in life without studying.
Box office: Sivakarthikeyan’s Don mints Rs47.50 crore on opening weekend
Chennai - 17 May 2022 14:00 IST
Haricharan Pudipeddi
Sivakarthikeyan’s latest release Don (2022) has set the cash registers ringing. The coming-of-age drama, which predominantly unfolds on a college campus, has minted Rs47.50 crore on its opening weekend worldwide, according to trade sources.
Directed by Cibi Chakaravarthi, Don follows the life of Sivakarthikeyan’s character who wants to figure out his talent and settle down in life without having to study. For the most part, the film works as a heartwarming comedy, except for the final 20 minutes when it becomes a moving drama.
Entertainment industry tracker Ramesh Bala took to Twitter to reveal that the film had collected Rs47.50 crore in its opening weekend. “For the three-day opening weekend, actor Sivakarthikeyan’s Don has grossed ₹47.50 crore at the WW box office. Excellent opening.. Is doing well everywhere,” he wrote.
For the 3-days opening weekend, Actor @Siva_Kartikeyan 's #DON has grossed ₹ 47.50 Crs at the WW Box Office..
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) May 17, 2022
Excellent Opening.. Is doing well everywhere..
The film, which was produced by Sivakarthikeyan himself, also stars SJ Suryah, Samuthirakani and Priyanka Arul Mohan. This is the second blockbuster in a row for Sivakarthikeyan, whose previous release Doctor (2021) went on to mint over Rs100 crore from Tamil Nadu alone.