Filmmaker Manoj Verma’s Bhulan: The Maze (2022) is adapted from author Sanjeev Buxy’s novel Bhulan Kanda. The film, which is in Chhattisgarhi and Hindi, stars Omkar Das Manikpuri, who is best known for his act as Natha in Peepli [Live] (2010).
The film won the National award for Best Film in Chhattisgarhi at the 67th National Film Awards. It will be released across India on 27 May.
Bhulan also stars Rajendra Gupta, Mukesh Tiwari, Anima Pagare and Sanjay Mahanand. Produced by Aarti Verma and Manoj Verma, the film is being distributed by UFO Moviez.
The film revolves around the bhulan kanda plant which is found in the forests of Chhattisgarh. It is believed that if your foot lands on the plant, you will forget the way to your destination, unless you are touched by someone and get awakened.
The makers said in their statement, “These simple, honest and selfless villagers, who work only for peace and happiness of their family and [the] village, when brought to the city for imprisonment, find [that] all city-dwellers [are] under the effect of bhulan. It is a feel-good, breezy entertainer laced with super hit songs [by] Kailash Kher.”