Helmed by Akshay Kumar and produced by Narendra Singh, the film stars Sunny Sachdeva and Muskan Mehta.
Helmed by Akshay Kumar and produced by Narendra Singh, the film stars Sunny Sachdeva and Muskan Mehta.
Mumbai - 28 Mar 2022 13:46 IST
Our Correspondent
After the BA Pass franchise, director-producer Narendra Singh is back with another film, MA Pass (Sarkari Naukari). And just like his previous production, BA Pass 3 (2021), this film will be also released exclusively on his OTT platform Filmybox.
Helmed by Akshay Kumar, the film stars Sunny Sachdeva and newcomer Muskan Mehta.
Speaking about the film, Sachdeva, who was also part of BA Pass 3, said, "I'm thrilled to announce MA Pass, and this will be my third project with Filmybox Productions. It feels like coming home to be working on another movie under the same banner. People will immediately link the film to BA Pass when they hear about it, so we want to surprise the audience by telling them a completely different story."
Speaking about her experience so far, Mehta said, "MA Pass was an incredible experience. It's a lovely love story that is close to my heart because it's full of so many emotions. As we put this film together, we had a fantastic team that became like a family. I’m genuinely looking forward to the audience watching it and pouring love.”
Speaking about his directorial venture, Kumar stated, "MA Pass will be different from BA Pass and the audience will be treated to a completely new story this time. I can't wait for everyone to watch the movie."
Written by Deepchugh, the film features Arjun Fauzdar, Mukesh Chandella and Santosh Malhotra.