Directed by Rahool Mukherjee, the romantic drama stars Dev Adhikari and Rukmini Maitra.
Kishmish trailer: A metaphysical exploration of love through the ages
Kolkata - 23 Mar 2022 13:12 IST
Updated : 13:17 IST
Roushni Sarkar
Rahool Mukherjee’s upcoming film Kishmish sees Dev Adhikari and Rukmini Maitra embark on a quest to discover the depth of love. A humorous and entertaining tale, the recently released trailer gradually takes on a serious tone.
The tale is narrated by Adhikari’s Krishanu Chatterjee, who describes love as a raisin. In a flashback, Krishanu is seen as a naïve teenager, affectionately called Tintin by his mother. As he enters college, he fails to score decent marks, but that does not stop him from dreaming.
Initially, the topper of the class Rohini (Maitra) cannot stand Krishanu and the latter shows barely any romantic interest in her too. However, gradually both begin to take pleasure in college life and it is only when Rohini dumps him that Krishanu realizes that he is helplessly in love with her.
The rest of the visuals, in which both Adhikari and Maitra can be seen as characters from different eras from the past, look baffling as there seems to be no connection between the primary plot and these parallel stories in the trailer. However, at the same time, the visuals convey that Krishanu and Rohini eventually explore the different shades of love, which is eternal, through suffering.
Kishmish, which will be released in theatres on 29 April, also features Anjana Basu, Kharaj Mukherjee, Kamaleswar Mukherjee and Jun Malia.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.
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