Veteran star Shah Rukh Khan has launched his own over-the-top (OTT) platform, to the surprise of many of his fans. Named SRK+, the platform marks the actor's first venture into the digital world. The artiste has not worked in the medium as a performer yet, although he has produced the Netflix original series Bard of Blood (2019) and Betaal (2020) via his banner Red Chillies Entertainment.
The actor shared the announcement saying, "Kuch kuch hone wala hai, OTT ki duniya mein [Something is going to happen in the OTT world]".
Incidentally, there was speculation about the actor signing on for an OTT project with Disney+ Hotstar six months ago, after ads featuring Shah Rukh were promoted by the platform. However, following the subsequent arrest and investigation of his son, Aryan Khan, the promotions faded away.
It is not known if the new project is part of the same enterprise. There has been no confirmation about any other platform collaboration on SRK+ yet.
Director Anurag Kashyap has revealed that he will collaborate with Shah Rukh on this new project. The Gangs of Wasseypur (2012) filmmaker wrote, "Dream come true! Collaborating with Shah Rukh Khan on his new OTT app, SRK+"
Dream come true! Collaborating with @iamsrk on his new OTT app, SRK+ 🤝
— Anurag Kashyap (@anuragkashyap72) March 15, 2022
The news of the announcement was followed by congratulatory messages, including one from Salman Khan, which said: "Aaj ki party teri taraf see".
Aaj ki party teri taraf se @iamsrk. Congrats on your new OTT app, SRK+
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) March 15, 2022
Director Karan Johar, another close friend of Shah Rukh, also congratulated him on social media.
Biggest news of the year! @iamsrk, this is going to change the face of OTT. Super excited!!!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) March 15, 2022
Shah Rukh is awaiting the release of the action film Pathaan (2023), which is expected to arrive in theatres on 25 January 2023.