India lost its Nightingale, Lata Mangeshkar, earlier this year, but her legacy will endure for time immemorial. The eight-episode show Naam Reh Jaayega, which honours the legend, saw several top-notch singers such as Sonu Nigam, Arijit Singh, Shankar Mahadevan, Alka Yagnik and Kumar Sanu pay tribute to the doyenne.
Lata Mangeshkar (1929-2022): Exit, the Nightingale
In one episode, Mangeshkar’s sister, Asha Bhosle, shared some memories of her beloved Lata Didi, recalling, “I still can't believe she is gone. I still think I will get a call anytime saying, ‘Asha, kashi aahes tu?’
Bhosle also said that Mangeshkar’s life was marked by a lot of ups and downs and that her sister had lived a simple life.
"Didi used to earn Rs80 and we used to run our household in that money. We were five people, and we used to have many relatives who would visit us. Didi never said no to anyone; she used to believe in sharing. There were times we used to buy kurmura (puffed rice) for 2 annas and used to eat that with tea and sleep. We had no complaints, they were simply happy times," she said.
Bhosle also revealed Mangeshkar’s mantra for success and vouches for its efficacy. “Lata Di once read that if you wash your parent's feet and drink that water, you will become very successful. So she asked me to get water. She got the plate and washed their feet and asked us all to drink it like Charan Amrut. She used to believe that drinking this would make us successful and I think it worked for us," said the singer.
Conceived and directed by Gajendra Singh, Naam Reh Jaayega is aired on Star Plus every Sunday at 7 pm and is also available on Disney+ Hotstar.