The Marathi-language film stars Girish Kulkarni, Hrishikesh Joshi, Tanaji Galgunde and Monalisa Bagal.
A lot of comedically skilled artistes have come together for Bhirkit, says director Anup Jagdale
Mumbai - 09 Jun 2022 14:47 IST
Updated : 14:52 IST
Our Correspondent
Filmmaker Anup Jagdale’s comedy feature Bhirkit has an ensemble cast comprising Girish Kulkarni, Hrishikesh Joshi, Tanaji Galgunde, Monalisa Bagal, Kushal Badrike, Sagar Karande, Usha Naik, Ashwini Bagal, Minal Bal and Radha Sagar.
Jagdale said in a statement, “A lot of actors with good comic skills who have regularly made the whole of Maharashtra laugh have come together for this movie.
"All of them have different comic skills and timing. When the audiences visit a theatre and keep aside their worries, all they need is entertainment. Bhirkit will live up to their expectations.”
But he said that the film isn’t all about humour. “Along with laughter, the audience will also take back a message,” said Jagdale.
The makers have also claimed that Kulkarni, who plays Tatya, will be seen in a role he hasn’t performed before. He is someone who always helps people. All the women of his village always approach him whenever they face any problem.
Jagdale has two more films in the pipeline: Karant, which stars Monalisa Bagal, and the Maratha historical epic Ravrambha. The latter also stars Bagal along with Kulkarni and Om Bhutkar.