Actor and producer Vijay Babu, who has been accused of sexual assault by an actress in Kochi, was arrested on Monday when he appeared before Ernakulam police to be probed in connection with the case. On 22 June, he was granted anticipatory bail by the Kerala high court.
Kerala | Actor-producer Vijay Babu appeared before probe officials for the sexual assault case registered against him. He has appeared in the Ernakulam Town South Police station.
— ANI (@ANI) June 27, 2022
Earlier Kerala High Court granted anticipatory bail to him in the case.
As per reports, the team that has been set up to investigate Vijay has been granted permission to question him from Monday till 3 July from 9 am to 6 pm.
The Ernakulam South Police had registered the case on the actress’s complaint, which was received on 22 April. In her complaint, she alleged that she was assaulted by the actor in a flat in Kochi more than once.
Vijay left for Dubai around the time the case was registered. He returned to Kochi on 1 June.
The complainant said that Vijay sexually assaulted her on the pretext of offering roles in movies.
Vijay had gone live on Facebook and reportedly disclosed the name of the complainant and claimed that he was the victim. He also said that he was willing to face the consequences after revealing the name.
Following the allegations, the actor was asked to step down from the executive committee of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes.
However, AMMA spokesman Edavela Babu at a press conference on Sunday said the body would take action against Vijay in accordance with the court's orders.