Directed by Arindam Sil, the film stars Abir Chatterjee, Paoli Dam, Sohini Sarkar and Suhotra Mukhopadhyay.
Byomkesh Hotyamancha trailer: Dramatic murder sets stage for gripping thriller
Kolkata - 28 Jul 2022 14:09 IST
Roushni Sarkar
In the trailer of Arindam Sil’s upcoming film Byomkesh Hotyamancha, a murder takes place in the middle of a stage play. Detective Byomkesh Bakshi, who is in the front row, rushes to the stage to examine the corpse and determines that the actor was poisoned.
Starring Abir Chatterjee as the Bengali sleuth, Byomkesh Hotyamancha is based on Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay’s unfinished story Bishupal Bodh, which has been completed by the director and screenwriter Padmanabha Dasgupta.
The visuals from the trailer make it apparent that Sil has aced the recreation of the era in which the story is set, showcasing the glory and seedy side of the theatre scene in 1970s Bengal. The politics behind running a theatre troupe, the conflicts between the cast and crew, and their personal equations seem to make for a gripping thriller.
Along with Byomkesh, his sidekick Ajit (Suhotra Mukhopadhyay) and his wife Satyabati (Sohini Sarkar) can also be seen employing their grey cells while unravelling the dramatic murder. On the other hand, characters played by Paoli Dam and Arna Mukhopadhyay raise doubts.
The overpowering background score seems to be the only chaotic and distracting element in the trailer.
Byomkesh Hotyamancha is slated to be released in theatres on 11 August.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.
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