Music composer-turned-director Indraadip Dasgupta has announced his next film, Megh Peon, starring Subhasree Ganguly, Abir Chatterjee and Jisshu Sengupta. Conceived as a tribute to iconic filmmaker Rituparno Ghosh whose tenth death anniversary is next year, the film will tell the story of an aristocratic family from North Kolkata against the backdrop of Durga Puja.
According to a report in Anandaplus, an entertainment supplement of the Bengali newspaper Anandabazar Patrika, Ganguly plays Titli, who is married to Rituparno (Sengupta), the scion of an illustrious Bengali family. Titli runs a homestay business in the family's palatial mansion and encounters Meghdut (Chatterjee), a doctor based out of India when he seeks accommodation at her homestay before Durga Puja.
Though Sengupta will not feature as one of the central characters, he will play a pivotal role in the story. Actor Rudranil Ghosh will be seen as the caretaker of the family.
The film will have ample references to Ghosh’s films, including Unishe April (1994) and Titli (2002). The director, who will also compose music for the film, will present a new rendition of ‘Piya Tora Kaisa Abhiman’ from Ghosh’s Raincoat (2004).
The film has been written by Samragnee Bandyopadhyay.
Dasgupta’s upcoming film, Bismillah, starring Riddhi Sen, Subhasree Ganguly and Surangana Bandyopadhyay, is slated to be released in theatres on 19 August.