Veteran actor Prem Chopra and his wife, Uma Chopra, are the latest from Hindi cinema to test positive for COVID-19. The couple has been admitted to the Lilavati hospital in Bandra, Mumbai, and are recovering, according to a report.
The Indian Express newspaper quoted doctors at Lilavati saying that the couple had been administered a dose of the 'monoclonal antibody cocktail' and are on the road to recovery. They could even be discharged in a day or two, the paper said.
Chopra's latest appearance on the big screen was as Papaji in the Saif Ali Khan- and Rani Mukerji-led Bunty Aur Babli 2 (2021).
The veteran couple is the latest in a long line of film personalities to have contracted the virus. John Abraham and his wife Priya Runchal, producer Ekta Kapoor, and Bengali filmmaker Srijit Mukherji are among the many who have tested positive in the latest wave of the pandemic.
The rapid rise in numbers has led to several states reimposing restrictions, with Delhi going so far as to shut down cinema halls in the city. Shahid Kapoor's Jersey and SS Rajamouli's magnum opus RRR have been postponed and more films are likely to follow suit.