Filmmaker Arindam Sil has revealed the poster of his upcoming film Mahananda, which is based on the life and work of writer, activist and Padma Vibhushan awardee Mahasweta Devi. The poster features Gargee Roy Chowdhury as the Sahitya Akademi Award-winning author.
The bespectacled avatar of the actress exudes wisdom and strength. There is also a nod to Mahasweta Devi's involvement in tribal movements with the depiction of barechested figures holding flaming torches in the dark in the background.
Featuring Ishaa Saha, Arna Mukhopadhyay and Debshankar Halder, Mahananda is not a chronological biopic. Instead of depicting dramatic moments in Mahasweta Devi's career in literature, politics and social activism, the film will focus on the relevance of her works in contemporary times.
Mahananda was supposed to be out during Durga Puja last year. The new release date is yet to be announced.