The trailer of Aritra Mukherjee’s upcoming film Baba Baby O presents humorous and emotional glimpses of Jisshu Sengupta’s character's journey as a single father.
The clip begins with the actor singing a romantic song, which gives viewers the impression that the film is a love story. However, the cries of a baby responding to Sengupta’s declaration of love prepare viewers for a love story of another kind.
As the character announces that he has become a father via surrogacy, the people around him initially feel unsettled and get confused. However, after the baby is born, the whole family gets into a frenzy to welcome the child and the father goes on an emotional roller coaster ride and embraces the challenges parenthood brings.
The single father refuses to settle down until he encounters Solanki Roy’s character. While she sweeps him off his feet, Sengupta eventually learns that she is already engaged. The woman, however, seems averse to motherhood. Sengupta stresses the fact that paternal affection is not only present in all kinds of emotional bonds.
Sengupta and Roy, a television actress who makes her cinematic debut in the film, are refreshing as an onscreen pair and despite the narrative of their friendship, the plot seems to be focused on the theme of parenthood.
Baba Baby O is slated to be released in theatres on 4 February.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.