Mahesh Manjrekar successfully told the story of a young widow in the pre-independence era in Kaksparsh (2012). His upcoming film Panghrun is set in the same period although the subject matter is somewhat different.
While the 2012 movie was based on a story by author Usha Datar, Panghrun is adapted from a story by BB Borkar. After releasing an intriguing teaser and song, the makers have thrown light on the film’s storyline via a trailer.
Lakshmi (Gauri Ingawale), who is widowed at 14, is passionate about ballet. Worried about her future, her parents marry her off to an elderly widower named Anant aka Antu Guruji (Amol Bawdekar). Lakshmi’s new husband is unable to love her because he still feels connected to his deceased wife, making his teenage bride's life more miserable.
The trailer is a visual treat, showcasing the beauty of the Konkan region. The Indian classical score adds to the charm and helps recreate a bygone era.
Both Ingawale and Bawdekar shine as their respective characters. The film also stars Rohit Phalke.
Panghrun will be released in theatres on 4 February.
Check out the trailer and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.