In the upcoming Gujarati musical Prem Prakaran (2022), directed by Chandresh Bhatt, Gaurav Paswala plays a singer-performer whose past and present romantic entanglements shape his life.
The musical love story features Deeksha Joshi as Paswala’s past and Esha Kansara as his present now that he has found fame. As a young man, Paswala's character forms a strong connection with Joshi's, which is eventually broken, deeply affecting him. He falls in love again with Kansara’s character, but the teaser indicates that his past and present collide, possibly forcing him to make a choice.
Prem Prakaran has music composed by Amit Trivedi who is making his debut in the Gujarati industry. The lyrics are written by Niren Bhatt. Produced by Sanjay Bhatt and Cineaste Studio, in association with Vaishal Shah, the film is due to be released soon.
Watch the teaser below and let us know if you are keen to see the film.