The makers of the upcoming movie Jhatka: Atta Survat Gondhalachi have claimed that their film is Marathi cinema's first black comedy. Directed by Ajinkya Upasani, the film stars Gaurav Upasani and Purniemaa Dey.
The teaser of Jhatka, which translates to ‘shock’, is less than 30 seconds long but it sheds light on the film's premise.
The plot revolves around a young couple, played by Gaurav and Dey, who decide to live together in a new flat. But they get the shock of their lives when they find a corpse of a man inside the cupboard.
It is difficult to form an opinion about the film, but the teaser certainly stokes your curiosity about the young couple's next move and the identity of the deceased.
Jhatka sees Ajinkya don five hats as the screenplay writer, dialogue writer, director, cinematographer and editor. It is rare to see someone make their debut in five major departments simultaneously.
Jhatka is all set to be released in theatres on 4 March.
Check out the teaser and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.