The Lionsgate Play India show has an ensemble cast, which includes Sumeet Vyas, Parambrata Chatterjee, Ahsaas Channa and Arjun Mathur.
Jugaadistan trailer: Series about college life, corruption and crime appears interesting
Mumbai - 19 Feb 2022 3:40 IST
Keyur Seta
Lionsgate Play India’s upcoming web-series Jugaadistan has a long list of characters.
Ahsaas Channa, Rukshar Dhillon, Taaruk Raina and Rukram Smil play students in a college where corruption, among other illegal activities, is rampant. Racism against students from the Northeast is also a part of everyday life.
A professor (Parambrata Chatterjee) wants to expose the examination scam, in which even students are involved, but he doesn’t get much help from the administration. A crooked student leader (Sumeet Vyas) is hell-bent on winning the next elections. Meanwhile, an honest journalist (Arjun Mathur) wants to expose the killers of an innocent girl, although the cops have closed the case.
As you can tell, Jugaadistan has a lot of subplots. They don’t appear out of place in the trailer because each one is interesting and realistic. We hope the same is true for the show.
Vyas is impressive, although you are instantly reminded of his character from his 2020 web-series Dark 7 White, who is also an unscrupulous student leader. Chatterjee and Mathur are convincing as honest individuals who want justice to prevail. The actors who play college students also appear to fit their roles.
Jugaadistan will be streamed on Lionsgate Play India from 4 March.
Check out the trailer and let us know if you are keen on watching the series,
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