Actor Dev Adhikari’s look from Rahool Mukherjee’s upcoming film Kishmish (2022) was revealed today through a teaser. Also starring Adhikari’s real-life partner Rukmini Maitra, Kishmish is set in three periods — the 1980s, 2014 and a futuristic period. The film is scheduled to be released in theatres on 29 April.
Wishing her fans on Valentine's Day today, Maitra shared the teaser of the romantic film on Twitter.
চাঁদু, গোলন্দাজ এবং টনিক মন কেড়েছে সকলের, এবার আসছে টিনটিন এক মিষ্টি প্রেমের গল্প "কিশমিশ" নিয়ে আগামী ২৯ শে এপ্রিল আপনার কাছের সিনেমাহলে।
— RUKMINI MAITRA (@RukminiMaitra) February 14, 2022
আজ সকলের Valentines Day কাটুক "কিশমিশ" এর মত মিষ্টি ভাবে।#Kishmish #Releasing29thApril#HappyValentinesDay@idevadhikari @RahoolOfficial
After presenting Adhikari’s recent on-screen avatars — Chandan aka Chandu, Nagendra Prasad Sarbadhikari and Tonic from the films Sanjhbati (2019), Golondaaj (2021) and Tonic (2021), respectively — the teaser revealed the charming, boyish look of the star's character Tintin from Kishmish.
Last month, the makers had revealed the release date of the film with a poster in which Adhikari and Maitra were seen sporting looks from cinema’s golden era and the present time.
Kishmish is Adhikari and Maitra’s sixth film together, and also features Kamaleswar Mukherjee, Kharaj Mukherjee and Anjana Basu in crucial roles.
Adhikari's upcoming film with Prosenjit Chatterjee, Kacher Manush (2022), directed by Pathikrit Basu, is slated for release during Durga Puja, this year.