The Punjabi film starring Sonam Bajwa and Gurnam Bhullar, Main Viyah Nahi Karona Tere Naal, has got a fresh release date. Written and directed by Rupinder Inderjit, the film was originally slated to be released on 25 February.
Sonam Bajwa shared the news on Instagram, where she also shared a poster for the film. The film will now be released on 4 March 2022.
The poster features Bajwa and Bhullar in Western attire holding Mickey Mouse-shaped balloons.
Bajwa and Bhullar previously shared screen space in Guddiyan Patole (2019), which was directed by Vijay Kumar Arora. Both artistes had one release each last year, with Bajwa starring opposite Diljit Dosanjh in the superhit comedy Honsla Rakh (2021) and Bhullar starring in the comedy Fuffad Ji (2021).
With theatres reopening again across the country, more and more Punjabi films are likely to announce their release dates and hit the big screen soon.