Actor and activist Deep Sidhu’s Punjabi-language feature Saade Aale has finally been given a release date. The film will mark the last film of the actor, who died in February this year in a car accident.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared two posters of the film on Twitter, writing, “DEEP SIDHU: 'SAADE AALE' RELEASE DATE FINALISED... Punjabi film Saade Aale - a saga of love and vengeance, the last movie of Deep Sidhu - to release in *cinemas* worldwide on 29 April 2022.. Directed by Jatinder Mauhar... Produced by Sumeet Singh and Mandeep Sidhu (sic).”
DEEP SIDHU: 'SAADE AALE' RELEASE DATE FINALISED... #Punjabi film #SaadeAale - a saga of love and vengeance, the last movie of #DeepSidhu - to release in *cinemas* worldwide on 29 April 2022.. Directed by #JatinderMauhar... Produced by #SumeetSingh and #MandeepSidhu.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 2, 2022
Besides Sidhu, the film stars Sukhdeep Sukh, Guggu Gill, Amrit Aulakh, Mahabir Bhullar, Harvinder Kaur Babli, Amrinder Singh and Sonpreet Jawanda.
The film seems to be a sports film as the second poster of the film shows Deep Sidhu as a sportsman on what seems to be a kabaddi field. The first poster features several actors, with one scene being that of a sports trophy.