During the music launch of Dharmaveer: Mukkam Post Thane, a biopic of the late Shiv Sena leader Anand Dighe, director Pravin Tarde spoke about his research process. He met various people who were close to Dighe and recorded their responses. He said the result was such that he was astonished.
“There are 130 hours of recording,” said Tarde. “After going through it repeatedly, I realized that his [Dighe’s] story is such that some might not believe it. You might not believe certain things. People will feel I have written the screenplay. But this person himself wrote the screenplay and left us 21 years ago. What you will see will be beyond your imagination.”
Dharmaveer will see Prasad Oak play the role of Dighe while Kshitish Date will play the current Maharashtra minister Eknath Shinde.
Tarde added that he always had entertainment in mind while making the film. “It’s a very entertaining film,” he said. “My films have to be entertaining. I don’t believe in those art films. A lot of films get National awards and other awards. But a good film is the one which is seen by a large number of people.”
Tarde is happy to be associated with Zee Studios as he feels the film will reach people from various countries once it’s released online later. “The film should reach even Marathi people based in Uganda. At the same time, Anand Dighe saheb’s story should also reach a Marathi person sitting in a posh office in New York’s Times Square,” he said.
The filmmaker believes that this film will impress people from all political parties. “After watching the film, party workers from all parties will ask, 'Why we don’t have such a leader?',” he said.
Speaking about the fearless nature of Dighe, Tarde said, “If Dighe saheb would have been there today, he would have shot down the perpetrators of the Nirbhaya rape case in Delhi, instead of making them go through court proceedings.”
Produced by Sahil Motion Arts and Zee Studios and distributed by Zee Studios, Dharmaveer will be released in theatres on 13 May.