A film has been announced on Lalit Modi, the controversial founder and former chairman and commissioner of India’s celebrated Twenty20 cricket league Indian Premier League (IPL). The film will be based on cricket expert Boria Majumdar’s book Maverick Commissioner: The IPL-Lalit Modi Saga.
The film, which is as yet untitled, will be produced by Vishnu Vardhan Induri. His last two films — Thalaivii (2021) and 83 (2021) — were also based on real-life stories. The latter, also a cricket saga, celebrated India’s first cricket world cup victory. It was directed by Kabir Khan and starred Ranveer Singh.
The news was shared by the veteran trade analyst Taran Adarsh on Twitter.
'83', 'THALAIVII' MAKER'S NEXT FILM ON IPL - LALIT MODI... The book #MaverickCommissioner: The IPL - Lalit Modi Saga, written by sports journalist #BoriaMajumdar, will be adapted into a feature film by #VishnuVardhanInduri [producer of #83TheFilm and #Thalaivii]. pic.twitter.com/MYm1W66YIL
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 18, 2022
Modi started off as the head of the Rajasthan Cricket Board. He later became the commissioner of the IPL when the league was launched in 2008. In 2010, he was accused of financial irregularities. He then flew to London to evade arrest. To date, he remains an absconder.