The Pandurang Jadhav-directed Bharat Majha Desh Aahe (2022) tells the story of a jawan whose family worries for his safety as tension grows on the India-Pakistan border. The film was shot near Kolhapur in the village Sainik Takli.
A large number of young men from this particular village have joined the Indian Army over the years. In fact, according to a report on the news website, almost every family in this village has had a soldier who has served India.
The story of Bharat Majha Desh Aahe is based in this village. The makers also shot the film in Sainik Takli. Because of this, the makers launched the teaser for the film there.
The event was attended by Maharashtra minister Rajendra Patil Yadravkar, who is from Kolhapur district, the cast of the film, families of soldiers and a few soldiers who were on leave. The soldiers shared their experience of being deployed on the borders.
Later, filmmaker Jadhav said in a statement, “Although the film is about patriotism, we have tried to portray the fear and anxiety of the families of soldiers who are positioned on the border. The story of this film will move the audience. We have also given a social message through this film. This story will compel the audience to think.”
He added, “The reason we launched the teaser here is because every family here has served the nation. That’s why we are dedicating the film to soldiers and their families. There has been an excitement for this film for long. Now that the teaser is out, the film, too, will be released soon. I would like to appeal to youngsters to watch this film with their parents. Along with providing entertainment, we have tried to show reality.”
Bharat Majha Desh Aahe stars Shashank Shende, Chhaya Kadam, Hemangi Kavi, Mangesh Desai and child artistes Rajvirsingh Raje Gaikwad and Devanshi Sawant.
Produced by Ashish Agrawal and distributed by Pickle Entertainment, the film will be released in theatres on 6 May.