Eight years after he took viewers on a strange trip to the fictional rural setting of Mohini in his National award-winning film Bakita Byaktigato, director Pradipta Bhattacharya has another unusual venture in store for viewers.
Bhattacharya's maiden web-series Birohi, a romantic thriller that is slated to be released on the newly launched Bengali web platform Uribaba, takes place in the eponymous village.
The show features Sayan Ghosh, Satakshi Nandy, Anuradha Mukherjee, Amit Saha, Srabanti Bhattacharya and Dipak Halder.
The trailer of the series doesn't reveal much, but the visuals are replete with elements of the rustic life. Krishnakanta Halder (Ghosh) is appointed to a post in a primary school in the titular hamlet. The road to the obscure village is filled with hurdles and even though Halder finally reaches his destination, the journey ahead doesn’t get easier for him.
The characters Halder meets in the village have aspirations and desires that are unfamiliar and grounded in stark realities. While certain customs and practices native to the village are sure to baffle the audience, the director seems to have come up with a bold story that highlights the plight of the marginalised section of rural Bengal.
The trailer is filled with elements of romance, crime, loss and pain that are woven together with haunting folk music and songs. There are also glimpses of convincing performances by actors that we know are favourites of the director.
The release date of Birohi is yet to be announced.
Check out the trailer and let us know if you are keen on watching the series.