Directed by Aniket Chattopadhyay, the film stars Saswata Chatterjee and Kharaj Mukherjee
Hobu Chandra Raja Gobu Chandra Mantri to be released during Durga Puja
Kolkata - 03 Sep 2021 14:48 IST
Roushni Sarkar
Dev Entertainment Ventures has announced that its upcoming film, Hobu Chandra Raja Gobu Chandra Mantri, will be released during Durga Puja this year.
Directed by Aniket Chattopadhyay, the film was initially slated to be released on 1 May last year. But due to the lockdown, the producers had announced that the film would have a theatrical release when normalcy is restored.
The producers shared a motion poster of the film, inviting the audience to spend this Durga Puja in Bombagor, a fictional realm. The chorus song performed by children in the background score suggests that the film is themed on a fairy tale.
হবুচন্দ্র রাজা গবুচন্দ্র মন্ত্রী অনেকদিন পর আবার উপস্থিত রাজদরবারে,
— DEV Entertainment Ventures (@DEV_PvtLtd) September 2, 2021
এবার পুজো কাটবে সকলের রাজা, রানী ও মন্ত্রীর সাথে রূপকথার বোম্বাগড়ে।@idevadhikari #SaswataS @ArpitaCP #KharajM #SubhasishM @aniket9163 @kabirsumandotin @devmusiccompany#HCRGCM #HobuGobu
Starring Saswata Chatterjee as Hobuchandra Raja, the king of Bombagor, and Kharaj Mukherjee as Gobu Chandra Mantri, the film is based on Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar’s stories Sarkar Moshaiyer Thole and Hobu Chandra Raja Gobu Chandra Mantri. Hobu Chandra Raja is entirely dependant on his minister Gobu Chandra. However, the subjects of Bombagor are happy as they are all equally treated by the rulers.
In the film, Arpita Chatterjee plays the queen of Hobu Chandra Raja.