Ikko Mikke, starring Punjabi Sufi singer Satinder Sartaaj, will be re-released in cinemas on 26 November. Also starring Aditi Sharma and Shiwani Saini, the film was released on 13 March 2020 but had to be pulled out soon after owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and the countrywide lockdown.
The title means Soulmates and the film is the story of a couple whose souls get interchanged. The poster features Sartaaj sitting in front of a sculpture that he is making. His post on Instagram read, “A sculpture is about to be revealed.”
Directed by Pankaj Verma, the film has been produced by Sartaaj Film and Firdaus Production.
Ikko Mikke also marks Sartaaj’s debut in Punjabi films. The singer made his acting debut with the Hollywood movie The Black Prince (2017), the story of Duleep Singh, youngest son of maharaja Ranjit Singh and the last monarch of the Sikh empire before its downfall.