Actor Ranvir Shorey shared the first look from his upcoming film, Hasal, which will see him team up with Raghav Juyal, Tejasvi Singh Ahlawat and Sanjay Mishra.
Written and directed by Ravi Singh, the film will go on the floors in December this year.
According to several news reports, the film 'explores the darkness' within every individual and revolves around four interconnected stories. Its tagline is 'Life is hustle'.
Speaking to the website of Outlook magazine, Ravi Singh said, "The film consists of four stories and I got inspiration from my surroundings through observation. So these are not imaginary characters and are adapted from real lives. I just gave words to them. It's a story that resides in every family, city, village, etc. It's a story of common people like us."
The team is set to begin its first session of workshops with the artistes which will continue through the month of November. The pre-production for the film has been completed, and the first schedule for the shoot is planned for December.
Hasal is produced by Jayesh Patel's Bravo Entertainment and its first schedule will begin in the city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh in December.