Assam will soon be seeing the release of its first science-fiction feature film, Avataran. The film was cleared for public exhibition by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) on Wednesday 8 September. The news was shared by the film's writer, director and producer Tarunabh Dutta.
I'm overjoyed to inform that, after nine years of continuous development, 'Avataran,' Assam's first science fiction feature film, is now complete and has passed censorship certification with a running length of 2 & 1/2 hours!
— Tarunabh Dutta (@tarunabh) September 8, 2021
It is a whole new milestone and revolution in Assamese
Dutta elaborated on this on Instagram. "It is a new milestone and revolution in Assamese cinema history as well as in independent filmmaking, entirely shot and completed from our home studio, TD Film Studio," he wrote. "I ask for your support and blessings in this new endeavour, which I hope will open the way for innovations and opportunities at the Northeast regional level."
The filmmaker went on to thank his family members and the film's cast and crew.
Dutta independently looked after the production and post-production of the film, executing it from his in-house studio, TD Film Studio.
During the production, Dutta was assisted by his wife, Himakhi Dutta, as his primary chief assistant. The director received financial assistance for the film from his father, Dr Nalini Kanta Dutta.
The cast of the film includes Pranjal Saikia, Purnima Saikia, Rimpi Das, Saurabh Hazarika, Ananya Parashar, Samir Ranjan, Govinda Malakar, Sangeeta Pachani and Vishal P. Chaliha as well as child artistes Reema Kaif and Devyam Seal.
The production work of Avataran, which is TD Film Studio's debut commercial venture, began in 2012. Almost 80% of the film comprises 3D computer-generated imagery (CGI) shots layered on to live video. This large-scale production is a first for cinema in the Northeast.
BTS Vfx Breakdown - You can't have a good movie without some epic stunt. Here's how we did a #stunt for our upcoming film 'My Love is Vengeance' - The stunt was not actually done on location, but filmed on a #green screen. VFX can be used effectively to enhance and elevate movie
— Tarunabh Dutta (@tarunabh) August 23, 2021
The film was shot with a Canon 5D Mark III camera in locations throughout Guwahati. Its songs were composed by Nilutpal Choudhury and Dhiraj Dutta along with Rakesh Baro with lyrics by Hridoy Parash. The singers are Rupam Bhuyan, Arundhati Bezbaruah and Rimly Bhuyan.
In August, Dutta shared some behind-the-scenes photos from another upcoming film of his, My Love Is Vengeance, on Twitter. The filmmaker has been working on a couple of other projects alongside Avataran.
The release date for Avataran is yet to be decided.