Actor Ankur Rathee, who was seen recently in Nagesh Kukunoor's City Of Dreams (Season 2), is back on set to shoot for the second season of SonyLIV's critically acclaimed web-series Undekhi.
Rathee plays Daman, one of the ensemble leads of the web-series. The first season, which was released last year in July, showed how power-drunk influential people who think they can get away with anything make a mockery of the law.
Talking about the show moving into its second season, Rathee said in a statement, "I never imagined Season 1 would resonate so much with audiences. As we gear up for the next instalment in the series, as actors we can't help but wonder what elements in our performances might have clicked with people the first time.
"We, of course, hope to continue in that vein but also offer something new. For Daman's character, I often ask myself what else I can explore in him without straying outside the confines of his personality. Whenever you get a second shot at a character like this, you strive to build uncharted traits and dive deeper into existing ones. I'm always eager to plant evolution in my characters that are both surprising and believable for audiences."
Season 2 is currently being shot in Himachal Pradesh and Rathee is enjoying shooting in the beautiful locales. "They say Himachal is the land of the gods (Devbhumi)," he said. "There is a divine current that is palpable here in the mountains and the clouds. I find every excuse to escape my hotel and trek to a waterfall or meditate in a mandir or take a dip in the Beas river.
"I'm also lucky to have co-actor Surya Sharma, a local of Himachal, take a group of us around to the most picturesque cafés for some dining and dancing," he continued. "I'm so grateful to the people of Manali for their hospitality and inexhaustible smiles."
Undekhi also stars Ayn Zoya, Harsh Chaya and Dibyendu Bhattacharya. Produced by Applause Entertainment and Edgestorm Ventures, the series will be streamed on SonyLIV.