National award-winning vocalist Iman Chakraborty has launched her new single 'Ichhedana', following the tradition of releasing original Bengali tunes before Durga Puja. Composed by her partner Nilanjan Ghosh, the song has been written by Manik Bera. The music video, which celebrates autumn, the season of festivities in West Bengal, has been directed by Subhadeep.
Speaking of the melodious composition, Chakraborty said, "Durga Puja is knocking on the door and here I am with my new single. The song has been possible because of Manik Bera’s efforts. I am extremely grateful to him."
The singer requested her listeners to listen to Bengali songs more and support such endeavours.
Stating that releasing original music around Durga Puja is not a recent trend, Ghosh said, “With a vision to walk in the line of some of the great artistes of Bengal, who have made the trend work for years, we have brought this new song."
The composer further stated that the team had a wonderful time while shooting the video in the hills. "Subhadeep has done a great job in making the video. We have tried to come up with a new presentation this year like every time. I am hopeful that the song will be loved by all," he said.
The song has been released on the Iman Chakraborty Production YouTube channel.