The upcoming Netflix docu-series House Of Secrets: The Burari Deaths delves into the mystery of the deaths of eleven members of a Delhi family, ranging in age from 77 to 15, in strange circumstances. Set to be premiered on 8 October, the series is directed by Leena Yadav and Anubhav Chopra.
Additionally, House Of Secrets features an original musical score by AR Rahman. The composer who won an Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire (2008) came on board to compose and produce his first documentary series.
Speaking about her collaboration with Rahman, showrunner Yadav said, “AR Rahman coming on board to design the score of the series was like an endorsement to the relevance and urgency of exploring this case. Working with Rahman sir on House Of Secrets has been an extremely enriching experience for me as a filmmaker.”
She went on to say, “It’s such a joy when you find a collaboration that not only elevates the storytelling, but also teaches you many lessons along the way. I think the music that Rahman sir scored has given the series not just a mood, but also enormous emotional depth. I find it very difficult to be articulate about music, it’s emotional, a feeling. And yet he would understand and translate it into stirring soundscapes. Having a great artiste like him leave his footprints on our telling of this complex case has been an honour.”
Rahman added that working on House Of Secrets was a unique experience for him, even after having composed for all kinds of genres in his long career. “Since the docu-series concerns a sensitive, complex issue, it required a distinct, nuanced musical approach — enigmatic yet gripping,” he explained. “I am glad to have worked on such a project, which so far has been unexplored territory for me.”