The film, which is being helmed by first-time filmmaker Mayur Shinde, also stars Neha Mahajan and Ruchira Jadhav.
Shooting commences for Ankit Mohan's Marathi action film Babu
Mumbai - 04 Oct 2021 18:30 IST
Our Correspondent
Ankit Mohan has begun shooting for his next Marathi movie, Babu, in Mumbai. The actor took to social media to share a picture of himself holding the clapper board to announce the commencement of filming.
"BABU is ready to roar ….!!! After facing tough situation and long wait we are good to go .. Day 1. Please shower your love & blessings Very soon will share all excited news related to the project (sic)," he wrote.
The action film, which is being helmed by first-time filmmaker Mayur Shinde, also stars Neha Mahajan and Ruchira Jadhav. Earlier, Gayatri Datar, who became a household name in Maharashtra after starring in the soap opera Tula Pahate Re, was cast in the film now she has been replaced by Mahajan. Babu is being backed by the Shree Krupa Productions banner and AA Films.
This is the second time Mahajan and Ankit have been paired together. They recently appeared in the thriller web film Kevin Knife.
Ankit will be seen next in Mahesh Tilekar's Hawa Hawai, Digpal Lanjekar's Pawankhind, and the upcoming Marathi web-series Double Game.