Vidyut Jammwal has signed on for a third film with Kumar Mangat Pathak’s banner Panorama Studios. The studio's first collaboration with the actor, Khuda Haafiz, was released last year on Disney+ Hotstar. The sequel, Khuda Haafiz Chapter II Agni Pariksha, is currently in the making.
Jammwal told the news agency Press Trust of India [PTI], "It is reassuring to be working with like-minded people. The viewers are in for a surprise."
Pathak said, “We have a history of two films with Vidyut. Khuda Haafiz received unprecedented views on OTT and the other, Khuda Haafiz Chapter II Agni Pariksha, has stirred a lot of excitement ahead of its release."
Although nothing is known about the third project, which is as yet untitled, Pathak shared some information, saying, “It is great to reunite with India’s action star for the third time for a very special film. It is a tale compelling enough to bring the audience to the theatres.”
Jammwal has played the lead in producer Vipul Amrutlal Shah’s Commando franchise. The actor’s latest film, Sanak, was released earlier this month on Disney+ Hotstar.