Actor-filmmaker Yogesh Bhosale has taken a major step towards completion of his directorial venture, 143. The Marathi film is a romantic comedy starring Sheetal Ahirrao and Vrushabh Shah.
The director recorded a key song with famed singer Anand Shinde. Composed by P Shankaram, the song was recorded at Down Studio, Pune, and completed at A-adivasan Studio, Mumbai.
Shinde has also composed a party song for the film.
Another key song in the film will be sung by Aarya Ambekar. The film will also feature songs by Reshma and Pramod Tripathi. Tripathi has sung a qawwali which will feature in a key portion of the film.
Bhosale's film ran into trouble with the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown. In addition to 143, the actor-director has another film, Mangalashtak Returns, lined up for production.
The makers have not yet announced a release date for 143.