While the number of COVID-19 cases is on the decline, actress Pooja Bedi has confirmed that she has tested positive for the viral infection. However, she also revealed that she has not taken the vaccine and hopes that her natural immunity will help tide her through.
Bedi confirmed the news on Instagram on Sunday. She wrote, "I have finally been diagnosed as covid positive. I chose/choose to stay unvaccinated as its my personal decision to allow my own natural immunity and alternative healing and wellness practices to accelerate my healing.
You do what's right for you. Each to their own (sic)."
In a video, the actress said, "Hello everyone! I have been wondering why I have not got the coronavirus till now. It is so infectious and everyone, at some point, is going to get it. Well, voila! Seems that I have now caught it. I have tested positive."
She added that while she thought it was a dust allergy, the intensity of the infection forced her to get tested. The actress also admitted that it has caused her to pass out sometimes.
However, Bedi seems to believe that vaccination is not a mandatory need for the body to survive the virus. In the video, she said, "We must know that 99% of people who caught coronavirus before the vaccines came out have survived. And, 99% post the vaccination have also survived. We need caution, not panic. The fact is, we have tools and aids on our side."