The Ankit Mohan-starrer Marathi film Babu went on the floor earlier this month. The actor shot a few action sequences yesterday in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, for the film directed by Mayur Madhukar Shinde.
Speaking about the shoot and his character, Ankit Mohan said in a statement, “The character of Babu is very close to me. It is a lot similar to my real self. Therefore, I wasn’t required to do a lot to play this character. But I had to work hard for the action sequences. The fact that I have learnt martial arts and Kalaripayattu [a martial art form from Kerala] helped a lot.”
Before this film, Ankit Mohan had performed action sequences in Farzand (2018) and Fatteshikast (2019), but that was a different ball game for him. “There is a major difference in the action sequences in historicals and in a film like Babu," he said. "While in historicals you have a weapon with you, here your hands are your only weapons. But one has to have control in both type of action scenes. I am glad to have got both the experiences. I enjoyed the action scenes in Babu.”
Produced by Babu K Bhoir, Babu also stars Ruchira Jadhav and Neha Mahajan. The film will be released in theatres as soon as it is complete.