SVF Entertainment has launched Bangladeshi actress and singer Nusraat Faria’s new single ‘Habibi’ on YouTube. Composed by Adib with an Arabic flavour, the lyrics of the song have been written by Nur Nobi and he is also the co-composer. The music video has been directed and choreographed by Baba Yadav, who worked for Faria’s previous singles 'Pataka' and 'Ami Chai Thakte'.
The music video shows Faria dancing to the beat and celebrating self-love. The visuals feature Faria as a queen who is looking for her Habibi or beloved, promising to fight fiercely for him and love him to her death. Faria can be seen in four dramatic avatars.
According to Yadav, 'Habibi' is the first Bengali music single that has been shot on such a grand scale. “I am sure that the audience will be surprised by the visuals of the song. It was an excellent experience to direct this exceptional music video,” added the director.
For Faria, the previous songs which she has worked on are very different from ‘Habibi’. "Shot at an exotic royal palace, the unique visuals of the song will definitely be loved by the viewers. Also, the peppy and catchy beats will make people dance. I wish the audience love ‘Habibi’ as much as I loved creating it," said the excited artiste.
Watch the song below.