After Churails, Zee5 is set to collaborate with Zindagi for another woman-centric show Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam. The new anthology web-series is directed by critically acclaimed British Asian director Meenu Gaur.
The show is headlined by Pakistani artistes Ahsan Khan, Osman Khalid Butt, Sheheryar Munawar, Saleem Mairaj, Samiya Mumtaz, Sanam Saeed, Sarwat Gilani, Mehar Bano, Faiza Gillani, Beo Raana Zafar and Eman Suleman.
The first look of the much-awaited series was released on social media today. The motion poster features the seven leading actresses in different get-ups.
The noir show is a compilation of six stories and focuses on the fearlessness of women and their determination to avenge deceit,
Written by Farjad Nabi and Gaur herself, Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam is set in the timeless lanes of Androon Sheher, a mythical inner city neighbourhood.
Speaking of her latest offering, Gaur said, “The idea for the show was like an outpouring for me and it's no surprise that the stories here are about all that which surges within us as women — love, passion, ambition, conviction, rage, revenge and revolution.
"With the dominance of a male-centric gaze, especially in the noir genre, I was keen to explore a new interpretation, one which is told from the perspective of the much-maligned femme fatale (qatil haseena) characters. It is an attempt to correct the sexism of film noir and try our hands at feminist noir.”
Co-writer Nabi commented, “Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam waves goodbye to the victim woman as seven femmes fatale get their way through methods that are unexpected, sometimes horrifying, but always liberating. I am glad this show will be premiering on the Zee5 platform that focuses on bringing diverse and significant stories for a global audience.”
The release date of the show will be announced soon.