Sanjay Gupta’s Mumbai Saga has also passed the Monday challenge at the box office. The film starring John Abraham and Emraan Hashmi collected Rs1.50 crore nett on the day, according to
The crime drama had finished its first weekend with a decent Rs8.50 crore nett. On Monday, it saw a 45% drop from its Friday collection (Rs2.75 crore nett), which is par for the course.
According to trade sources, Mumbai Saga was made on a budget of about Rs45 crore. The film's total collection so far stands at Rs10 crore nett, which is not a great return, but then these are not normal times with a pandemic still raging.
Hardik Mehta’s horror comedy Roohi also saw a fall in collections on its second Monday, returning just Rs45 lakh nett. The film starring Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Sharma has so far made Rs18.43 crore nett at the box office against its estimated production budget of Rs30 crore.
Roohi is clearly better placed business-wise because of its modest budget. Also, Mumbai Saga may run into headwinds with COVID-19 cases rising rapidly in Maharashtra, the state where the film would have been expected to do the best business. In fact, the rising numbers have also forced the makers of Haathi Mere Saathi (the Hindi version) and Puaada (Punjabi) to postpone their films.