After earning Rs2.75 crore nett on the holiday of Mahashivratri on Thursday, the horror comedy Roohi (2021) saw a drop of about 30% on Friday, earning Rs2 crore nett.
The film’s two-day collection is Rs4.75 crore nett, according to numbers on
Directed by Hardik Mehta, Roohi stars Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma with Janhvi Kapoor as the titular character.
However, the film’s collection on day two has been better than that of any other feature released during the pandemic. And if the crowds increase with the holiday weekend, chances are the film’s prospects will improve and it can earn Rs10 crore nett over Saturday and Sunday.
The numbers for Roohi seem to suggest some inclination towards normality. Last year, on 13 March, the order to shut down theatres came in across several states in India because of the growing COVID-19 pandemic.