The show stars Tejaswini Pandit, Sonali Khare, Sachit Patil, Vidyadhar Joshi, Sushant Sheler and Sukanya Kulkarni.
Sanjay Jadhav to make his web debut with Anuradha on Planet Marathi
Mumbai - 29 Jun 2021 14:18 IST
Our Correspondent
Well-known Marathi filmmaker Sanjay Jadhav is making his web-series debut with the show Anuradha. Starring Tejaswini Pandit, Sonali Khare, Sachit Patil, Vidyadhar Joshi, Sushant Sheler and Sukanya Kulkarni, the web-series will be released on the Planet Marathi OTT platform.
Jadhav said, “Right now I can’t reveal much. But I can say that it’s a suspense thriller through which I have gone outside the box and made something different. I am happy that this show will stream on a platform like Planet Marathi, which is the first Marathi OTT platform.”
He added, “The entire cast of Anuradha is talented. I have worked a lot with Tejaswini before. She is a talented actress who can do justice to any character. As I know her style of working, there is a comfort zone between us, which ensures that we work smoothly.”
Speaking about his association with Jadhav through the show, Planet Marathi founder chairman and managing director Akshay Bardapurkar said, “It is a big deal for us that the Sanjay Jadhav-directed Anuradha will be played on our platform. A lot of his films have worked at the box office and he is known for bringing out different entertaining topics. So, Anuradha will also be liked by the audience. The show has some talented names from the Marathi industry. Planet Marathi and Vista Media Capital are committed to bringing high quality content to the audience.”
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Planet Marathi OTT