The 25th Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival will see three Indian films in contention. Mihir Fadnavis's short film Chewing Gum will be screened in the Fantastic Shorts section, while Prabhu Solomon's Haathi Mere Saathi, and Ranjeet Kamala Sankar and Salil Valikattu's Fourth Face be showcased in the World Fantastic Red sections of the festival.
One of the premier festivals for fantasy and horror, the Bucheon International Film Festival will see a lineup of 258 films from across the world, including 95 feature films and 114 short films.
The festival, which will open with Giddens KO's Till We Meet Again, will be held between 8 and18 July.
While Haathi Mere Saathi is the surprise addition to the list, Fadnavis's short film is a supernatural thriller that takes place late at night in Mumbai and Chathur Mukham is a sci-fi horror film that taps into the obsessive social media syndrome prevalent today.
Life update:
— Mihir Fadnavis (@mihirfadnavis) June 21, 2021
'Chingum' (aka Chewing Gum), the first film that I directed has been selected for the BiFan festival. I'd always dreamed about making a bakchod horror movie and screening it at a bakchod horror festival in genre central South Korea.
That dream has now come true :)