OHO Gujarati’s latest web-series Cutting premiered on 20 June. Directed by Pratik Rajen Kothari, the show revolves around a barbershop in Gujarat named Perfect Hair Salon and it stars Mayur Chauhan aka Michael and Hemang Shah as barbers.
A statement from the makers read, “Featuring the loyal customers of Perfect Look Salon, each episode explores interesting and delightful conversations between the barber and the customer. The series also subtly emphasizes the fact that once someone chooses a barber, he becomes the person’s barber for a lifetime, a standard phenomenon which is witnessed in most people’s life in India.”
Cutting has been written by Abhinav Vaidya. He was earlier associated with Scoop Whoop where he wrote, directed and acted in video segments.
Talking about the show, filmmaker and OHO Gujarati co-founder Abhishek Jain said, “In India, our neighbourhood salon is one place which may not be visited over a weekday, but it’s the most happening hangout zone over a weekend. And spending some time there while getting the weekly, relaxing haircut or shave or massage and being able to participate in interesting conversations, is something most Indians enjoy.”
OHO Gujarati has platter of diverse content, says Abhishek Jain
He added, “Like our previous offerings, I believe Cutting set at Perfect Hair Salon will remind our audiences of some of the most striking yet fun conversations they ever had during their visit to the neighbourhood salon.”
OHO Gujarati was launched in April this year with the Pratik Gandhi-starrer Vitthal Teedi.