The trailer of the upcoming Zee5 thriller Dial 100 (2021), written and directed by Rensil D’Silva, sets up an intriguing premise. The police helpline for emergencies receives a call from a distressed woman, which is then patched through to Nikhil Sood (Manoj Bajpayee). As the officer initiates his conversation with her, he finds out that the woman, Seema Pallav (Neena Gupta), is grieving the loss of her son, Amar, and plans to avenge him — with the law enforcer as her main target.
The film, which takes place over one night, grows tense as Nikhil figures out Seema is not above using violence and intends to use his wife Prerna (Sakshi Tanwar) and son Dhruv to exact her vengeance.
D’Silva pits Nikhil against Seema, who has made up her mind and seems undeterred in her mission to get justice. The police officer must gather his wits if he has to survive the night and save his family.
Bajpayee and Gupta are well-matched as opponents in this cat-and-mouse game, and Tanwar also seems to have a significant role as Nikhil’s spouse who is caught in the middle. The trailer also ends on a chilling note, indicating that Seema might have some inside help.
Produced by Sony Pictures Films India, Siddharth P Malhotra, and Sapna Malhotra, Dial 100 is due to be released on Zee5 on 6 August.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.